Cancer Spread To Leg My Dog Has Bone Cancer In His Leg And Now Its Spread All Over, Is There Anything That Could Help Him.?

My dog has bone cancer in his leg and now its spread all over, is there anything that could help him.? - cancer spread to leg

There are religious reasons why people endure the pain and suffering, the pain relief (see in their sins, etc.), but there is no redeeming quality of the suffering animals. I would get a lot of their favorite food, to sit with him at dinner, talk to him while the vet euthanized. Sorry.


Trish JPA and Jewish Pastafarian said...

Your veterinarian is best to ask, but it is unlikely that you can do a lot. You want them to put more pain to be avoided.

Trish JPA and Jewish Pastafarian said...

Your veterinarian is best to ask, but it is unlikely that you can do a lot. You want them to put more pain to be avoided.

Princess said...

Sorry to hear that
I love animals, N for this reason that I want to see them suffer
u should him to the vet
You can ask your vet any questions or think
If your dog is still suffering a lot and there's nothing that veterinarians can do for him, and no medication can relieve pain
then u should take into consideration in their sleep
I'm not saying this out of ignorance
but if an animal is not in a position to express his grief, and ask the vet is the best option UR 4

Princess said...

Sorry to hear that
I love animals, N for this reason that I want to see them suffer
u should him to the vet
You can ask your vet any questions or think
If your dog is still suffering a lot and there's nothing that veterinarians can do for him, and no medication can relieve pain
then u should take into consideration in their sleep
I'm not saying this out of ignorance
but if an animal is not in a position to express his grief, and ask the vet is the best option UR 4

Amanda P said...

I am sorry for your dog. In fact, I am about the same, I just found out two days ago my rotti has bone cancer 10 years ago in one of his hind legs. I took him to the vet and there is little they can do because of his age. Amputation is an option for small dogs. I wish you all the best!

Lara C said...

Regret that (keep it as comfortable as possible.

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